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La Folle Journee De George Gershwin

After the success of their previous albums and shows, the 17 musicians of The Amazing Keystone Big Band, continue their adventure so that young and adult audiences can discover jazz in all its forms. - - Winners of the Victoires du Jazz in the Group of the Year category, they are back this time with a colorful creation of La folle journée de George Gerswhin, by Fabrice Colin , told by Laure Calamy. - - - - To illustrate Fabrice Colin's story, we drew heavily on ‘An American in Paris’, George's famous composition that became a musical by Vincente Minnelli in 1951. But we didn't stop there. . . - - The main theme of this piece of music, or rather its best-known tune, appears right at the start of the story, and then recurs frequently, to set the rhythm of this ‘unlike any other’ day. - - The theme of the city, so present in Gershwin, emerges with a beautiful imitation of horns that evokes the difficult traffic of Paris. It appears as early as the walk in Luxembourg, but also before his arrival at the Opéra, or when George dances the waltz with Ira. Love is essential to George, and in this ‘Folle journée’ too. . . so the love theme of ‘Un Américain à Paris’ crops up every time his beloved appears. . - - Here and there, we've also slipped in references to other Ira and George songs, those tunes we like to hum without always knowing where they come from. . . - Above all, we've specially adapted the ensemble to be played in big band to accompany this beautiful story and make you want to discover even more of George Gershwin's wonderful music. . .
THE AMAZING KEYSTONE BIG BAND - La Folle Journee De George Gershwin - CD 27816 bei Broken Silence
CD 27816



Modern Jazz

File underBig Band | Chanson
Tonträger1 CD
Bei Originalproduct bestellen
1The Amazon Keystone Big BandAh ! Le printemps ? Paris
2The Amazon Keystone Big BandLe soir, Ira est assis
3The Amazon Keystone Big BandOh zut, la mine de son crayon s'est cassée
4The Amazon Keystone Big BandMais le lendemain
5The Amazon Keystone Big BandChez une brocanteuse
6The Amazon Keystone Big BandGeorge n'est plus George
7The Amazon Keystone Big BandMademoiselle, attendez !
8The Amazon Keystone Big BandEt l? , voil? qu'il pleut
9The Amazon Keystone Big BandAttrapez-le !
10The Amazon Keystone Big BandLe calme est revenu
11The Amazon Keystone Big BandAlors, on rêvasse ?
12The Amazon Keystone Big BandToréador
13The Amazon Keystone Big BandC'est elle, la fille de son rêve
14The Amazon Keystone Big BandIl sort de l'opéra en trombe
15The Amazon Keystone Big BandEt l? , miracle
16The Amazon Keystone Big BandVoil? qu'il se met ? neiger
17The Amazon Keystone Big BandIra le raisonnable
18The Amazon Keystone Big BandIl est minuit
19The Amazon Keystone Big BandDans la cours silencieuse
20The Amazon Keystone Big BandMerveille des merveilles
21The Amazon Keystone Big BandAlors, George s'approche du piano
22The Amazon Keystone Big BandThe man I love (feat. Charlotte Wassy)
23The Amazon Keystone Big BandLet’s call the whole thing off (feat. Neima Naouri, Pablo Campos)
24The Amazon Keystone Big BandOur love is here to stay (feat. Fleur Worku, Benny Benack III)
Modern Jazz
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